
There are many people in our society who are very poor and very less fortunate. There are some who don’t even have a home to return to through out the day. So as a society, we need to help the people who have nowhere to go. That’s why we need to provide a place for the poor such as a shelter. The shelter will help them by giving them a place to eat,sleep, and shower. Shelters are said to be ” temporary residences of desperation for homeless people which seek to protect vulnerable populations from the often devastating effects of homelessness while simultaneously reducing the environmental impact on the community.” Not only is it a place to sleep, but it protects you from perpetrators.

People need to try to prevent others from not having a place to go at night. Actually, they started an organization to help such as ” NCH ” it began 30 years ago at a convening of state and local organizations working together to ensure the right to shelter “. This organization was to assure both men and women that they would have a place to go to. It also, influence people to have an option of having a home at a shelter. This shelter was like a life saver to those who needed it. A place to be safe and refresh yourself as needed. They felt that this was a great improvement to our society. It was said to be ” Today, NCH delivers on that promise each and every day, most notably through programs like the Faces of Homelessness Speakers’ Bureau. Throughout NCH’s history, homeless led advocacy has worked to create lasting local solutions to the national problem of homelessness.”

However, there are also some young people out there who are homeless. Many of these young adults  had jobs, but lost their job after the recession. So when they tried to get another job they eventually got laid off. After that many had a hard time paying for rent and soon didn’t have a place to sleep.  One student stated that ” Mr. Taylor, 24, does not make enough to rent an apartment or share one. He sleeps on a mat in a homeless shelter, except when his sister lets him crash on her couch.” This is bad for our people that the cause of a recession led them to these conditions. Why are we letting this happen?  It states “These young adults are the new face of a national homeless population, one that poverty experts and case workers say is growing. ” Let them not be, change that!

We need to stop the increase of people being homeless in our population from getting higher.Studies shows “An estimated 100 million people are homeless worldwide”that is very sad and must be stop. The percentages are very high. Especially for those who are african american.

Cited Source:

December 18, 2012

United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 2005

Product Testing On Animals

Should you test products on innocent animals? If you never noticed most of the products we used today are tested on animals to see if they’re good or not. Some of these products happen to be very harmful to the animal that they eventually die. People need to understand that animals should never be a “practice dummy ” such as a testing tool. It just not right for them. Perhaps you should test products differently that the animal may not result in death or even put anyone endanger. We want our animals to live like the humans so with that being said, no one should be a testing subject. Many scientists have tested these animals with harmful chemicals. The animals are used as testing subjects in their experiment. Studies shows ” Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside cold, barren cages in laboratories across the country.” Do you know how many animals are being negatively effected? Statistics shows that “Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned and abused in U.S. labs every year.” These little animals don’t deserve this type of cruelty. It is absurd for scientists to even keep doing this procedure. Now I want you to know the types of animal testing. We already have a clear understanding of cosmetics used on animals, but now their are even more deadly tests such as ” acute toxicity”.  Many may not know, but  ” acute toxicity testing is used to determine the danger of exposure to a chemical by mouth, skin, or inhalation.” Studies shows that “For decades, acute toxicity testing meant poisoning large numbers of animals in Lethal Dose 50 (LD50) tests, which are conducted until at least one half of the test animals die.” So you can just imagine how many times this test was used and the amount of animals that died. The number is increasingly outrageous. There is another type of test said Dr. Draize “The Draize eye test has been criticized for several reasons. The structure of the cornea of the eye of a rabbit differs significantly from that of a human.” Many rabbits have been abused by the chemicals used during this test. Draize happens to make the eyes irritated. So I ask, why are we still testing these beloved rabbits? They should just be left alone. However, did you know that many people have tried to end these tests. Including, products such as toothpaste and mascara on innocent rabbits and guinea pigs. Studies shows “The use of animals in laboratories often amounts to legally-sanctioned animal abuse. The secrecy with which animals in laboratories are kept from the public eye is no accident: an estimated 100 million animals are exploited in biomedical.” Now that you know how abusive the scientists are towards the animals. Be willing to help them.

Cited Sources:



Read more: http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-experimentation/#ixzz2mYTvkpe4

Why Kids shouldn’t have to wear school uniforms?

Why go to a school where there is a precise dressing policy? Wearing uniforms just have a bad idea all over it. You should be able to dress freely anytime. It’s not like they are the ones shopping for you. It’s your money so you should be able to dress in clothing that express who you are. I want you to understand that we choose clothing to express who we are, not just to look good. It is a way of freedom. Many people like to wear clothing that suit their personality. If we just put on a uniform how is that a way of showing our inner self? It just give us more of a right to fight for our freedom and show people who we are and how we love ourselves.

Students feel that wearing a uniform take away their rights. It also take away choices that you may want to have in the future. Since the school requires a certain dress wear you make no decisions made for yourself. It’s as if your opinion don’t even matter. In this article it said “Allowing students to make their own determinations regarding dress code teaches them to make their own decisions and allows them to express their unique personal styles.” It’s a way of feeling superior when your able to make a decision.  Dressing in a certain way express your own swagger. When you wear a uniform you lose all  sense of personal style because it’s not you, it’s what the school want you to be.

If you think about it, your taking away our individuality. I know people feel that being as one is always better than more, but I feel taking away our fashion is absurd and will be stopped if all means necessary. In this article it said ” Confidence is much harder to achieve while wearing a uniform. Wearing them can get distracting during the day. Some schools say uniforms make us united as a school, but I don’t think they do anything but bother students. Simple rules instead of a uniform could easily be put in place.” Would you agree with her statement? This statement shows us that it’s more to just putting on a uniform. It’s the reaction made by others that affects the students.

Many children will learn to be more responsible. If they make a decision of what to wear and not to wear they will acknowledge choices. What make you feel that they will not? It’s definitely not you telling them what to wear! All students should be able to free dress. If we are responsible enough to wake up on time for school than we will be responsible going to school in appropriate clothing.

Give us the right do not take it away because you feel that students should dress united in a school.


Religious vs. Spiritual

How can you be religious but not as spiritual? Is there really a difference? What separate distinction do these two words have between each other? If you haven’t already realized that, in this society many people are believers, but not so much as spiritual. Is that a bad thing? I want us to really understand the difference between being religious and being spiritual.

Many people study different types of religions. It says ” the fact that many of the negative things which people attribute to religions are features of some forms of some religions(usually Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), but not of other religions (like Taoism or Buddhism).” We are stating that being spiritual is expressing our religion. By worshiping our spirit it shows that our religion is more than that. It is a way of getting deeper with him(God). It bring a deeper meaning to us when we believe.

It is said “Religion is spiritual and spirituality can also be considered religious. One tends to be more personal and private while the other tends to incorporate public rituals and organized doctrines.” So with that being said, would you define religious equivalent with spiritual? These two might have certain differences, but applies same meaning depending on the way it would be used.

I want you to understand the difference between the two. It states that “Religion is an institution established by man for various reasons. Exert control, instill morality, stroke egos, or whatever it does. Organized, structured religions all but remove god from the equation”. This implies that you worship among one man. His words would be the most meaningless to you. Your everyday waking moment would be up to him. Unlike the word spirituality would not be as similar, it states “Spirituality is born in a person and develops in the person. It may be kick started by a religion, or it may be kick started by a revelation. Spirituality extends to all facets of a person’s life. Spirituality is chosenwhile religion is often times forced. Being spiritual to me is more important and better than being religious.” This means that you are basically getting deeper with yourself. You find yourself more valued. You might express religion, but deep down you only applying it to acknowledge more of you being a human being.

In this one article they study two groups, those who are religious but not spiritual and those who are spiritual but not religious. You would not probably suspected that “Researchers discovered that people who are spiritual but not religious tend to have lower self-control than those who are religious.” Also that the percentage between religious and spiritual. It stated that “found that the number of people who are not affiliated with a religion had increased 5 percent since 2007. That same survey found 18 percent of Americans identified themselves as spiritual but not religious, while 59 percent identified as both, and just 5 percent said they were religious but not spiritual.” This concludes that the spiritual people and religious people changed over some years.


Cited sources: http://www.deseretnews.com/…/Religiousvsspiritual-Study-says-the-t…



In today society, many people are involved in an athletic sport such as football, basketball, baseball, tennis, golf and etc. I want you to acknowledge these people in a very righteous way. We call these people names such as  “athletes”. Over the years, athletes would get rewarded for their outstanding athletics skills they have performed .  Most Athletes have been very ambition over the years. So let me ask, what is an athlete? There are various definitions:

  • A person who is involved in Athletics (sport), which involves track and field events, long distance, cross-country and road running, and race walking
  • Sportsperson, a person who participates regularly in a sport
  • In college recruiting for American football, “athlete” refers specifically to an individual with strong all-around athletic ability that indicates the potential to succeed at multiple positions.

They also can be considered as sportsperson. Some might ask what does that mean? It means ” It is a person trained to compete in a sport involving physical strength, speed or endurance. Sports people may be professional or amateur.” Basically, show some type of athletic skills with your strength and you mostly build this up doing workouts. Most athletes have to train or exercise daily to improve on their professional career.

There have been many athletes involve in the Olympics. For example, “Michael Phelps made history in the 2008 Beijing Olympics when he won all eight Olympic swimming events that he entered. Setting seven World Records and one Olympic Record in the process; Michael Phelps had a phenomenal 2008 games, leading many to regard him to be the greatest Olympian of all time. ” It implies on that this man has made are history even greater for his record as an athlete. Also, there was a woman’s athlete name “Larissa Latynina, who has won the most ever medals at the Olympic games with a grand total of eighteen, and fellow gymnast and Soviet Union representative Nikolai Andrianov won an also incredibly impressive fifteen medals between 1972 and 1980.” These Olympians have excelled in their greatest achievements as athletes. Athletes recognition is very high and various people admire their greatness.

As an athlete we make sure that our body is in great shape before we perform. We always have someone else as a competition to better ourselves in the sport we participate in. Many athletes always have a friend to either go against or to practice. It helps them a lot because it builds up your strength in the athletic sport you are doing. Athletes get stronger everyday just by doing these certain qualities to help them.

So being an athlete is a great quality. It assures you that your body will be healthy and active for the right sports. So be ready and prepare for what our athletes are bringing to our society.athletes

Cited Sources:http://www.sportinglife360.com/index.php/the-top-five-olympic-medalists-of-all-time-47512/



I want to discuss a type of disease with you called Cancer. Cancer is known medically as a malignant neoplasm, it’s a broad group of diseases involving unregulated cell growth. Many people in this society develop that disease, which in that case is not always a good thing. It’s actually more of a negative effect once you hear that this disease have develop in your body. People really start to appreciate life more when they hear they got this disease.

Cancer can be known as “malignancy, is an abnormal growth of cells” as others would see it. There are several types of cancer: including breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and lymphoma. People in their daily life find out every day that they may have one of these cancers growing in their body and we all know it is not a very satisfying situation to be in. There are some symptoms that may vary depending on the type of cancer. Also, chemotherapy, radiation and surgery can be used to treat the cancer to heal the patient from this cell in their body. Most of the time people cancer cell go away from being treated.

Some people ask how is cancer caused? Why did this repulsive cell developed in my body? Why? Why? In this one article I read it states “Some cancer causes remain unknown while other cancers may develop from more than one known cause. Some may be developmentally influenced by a person’s genetic makeup. Many patients develop cancer due to a combination of these factors.” Basically, cancer sometimes just come from one of your family members, who developed it in their body or it didn’t come from anywhere it’s now in your body.

People who smoke can sometimes grow a cancer cell in their body.
Statistics shows lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States for both men and women. (Source: Cancer Facts & Figures 2013)
Lung cancer is the most preventable form of cancer death in our society. (Source: Cancer Facts & Figures 2013)
Lung cancer estimates for 2013 (Source: Cancer Facts & Figures 2013):
New cases of lung cancer: 228,190
Males: 118,080
Females: 110,110
Deaths from lung cancer: 159,480
Males: 87,260
Females: 72,220
Besides lung cancer, tobacco use also increases the risk for cancers of the mouth, lips, nasal cavity (nose) and sinuses, larynx (voice box), pharynx (throat), esophagus (swallowing tube), stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, uterus, cervix, colon/rectum, ovary (mucinous), and acute myeloid leukemia. (Source: Cancer Facts & Figures 2013).

People is making their life worst by doing things to cause this disease without thinking first.You know that this adverse cancer is not a good cell in your body. So make sure you take better care of your health to prevent this from happening to you. Cancer is bad! cancer

Cited sources:http://www.webmd.com/cancer/


In today society, we always eat at fast food restaurants. Why is that? Why did some of us stop eating homemade meals in our houses? Instead, we go to a burger joint or any place we can get a fast meal. Do you know how bad this is for the people of United States? Many people are obese because everyday we go to the same places and get a fast meal.

Let me converse with you about fast food. Something you might never acknowledge was that Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly, first popularized in the 1950s in the United States. Fast food outlets are take-away or take-out providers, often with a “drive-through” service which allows customers to order and pick up food from their cars, but most also have indoor and/or outdoor seating areas in which the customers can eat the food on-site.Fast food chains have come under criticism over concerns ranging from claimed negative health effects, alleged animal cruelty, cases of worker exploitation, and claims of cultural degradation via shifts in people’s eating patterns away from traditional foods. So I ask why do we still eat process food?

Many of us don’t realize how bad it is for our health. There are various ways of it effecting our health. You can get diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, strokes and infertility if you don’t take good care of our health by watching out for products in your fast food. The young people who ate at fast food restaurants twice in one week developed Type 2 Diabetes. Also, in the U.S over one third of the adult population are either overweight or obese. The fast meals affect our health so be careful with certain food you eat.

We need to stop eating processed food because “fast food” is not always the best food as people might consider.For example, that plain chicken breast may have been a healthy choice out of the package, but sometimes we have to slather it with butter just to make sure it doesn’t stick to the grill. Another example, after we cook something, we put it in a holding cabinet and set a timer.When the timer goes off, we’re supposed to throw it out. But often, we just reheat the food. So for the freshest meal, come between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. or between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. More people are in the restaurant then, so we’re cooking and serving new food constantly. All of this is bad because we don’t know exactly what they put in our food because when we eat it we never bother to ask what’s in the product? How do you keep it freshly cook? Knowing that they just reheat it makes it not fresh.

So try your best to eat homemade meals because at least you know that it’s cooked healthier and isn’t processed.
Cited Sources:healthyeating.sfgate.com › Nutrition › Nutrition in Foods‎

Stop Child Abuse

I want to discuss my topic on child abuse. How many people lived their childhood years being abused? Who was afraid to speak up and tell someone? Who never realized how serious this issue was? You might not know this because they show no emotion or even talk about it at school, but many students are being brutally abuse at home or by a family member. In order to stop this from happening to other children, we must protect our children of our generation by ending this for once and all.

Child abuse is the physical, sexual or emotional maltreatment or neglect of a child or children.In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) and the Department for Children And Families (DCF) define child maltreatment as any act or series of acts of commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child.Child abuse can occur in a child’s home, or in the organizations, schools or communities the child interacts with. There are four major categories of child abuse: neglect,physical, emotional abuse and sexual abuse.
Child abuse has happen to many children and some even lost their lives. In this one article I read “A 19-year-old Long Beach woman and her boyfriend were charged Tuesday with felonies stemming from the death of her 2 1/2-year-old son, who suffered severe head injuries and several broken bones. The child was rushed to Memorial Medical Center of Long Beach on Saturday after paramedics were summoned and found that his heart had stopped.” Many people don’t realize that you should never harm your child in any condition. This little boy will never be able to see life or have a future for what his parents did to him. Also how they don’t understand that such abuse can be a deadly matter. This can affect others to think rational of you.

We must express our thoughts in a reasonable way to children not exploit them to violence in an obnoxious manner. To do this, we must make rules or regulations for people to articulate on child abuse. In another article it states “The bill would allow some child abuse victims more time to file lawsuits against private institutions such as parochial schools, but would not apply to public schools. Some victims for whom the statute of limitations has expired would get a new one-year window during which they could bring a lawsuit.” Why can’t we have this bill open to anyone exposed to child abuse? This one woman said “I want to see a bill that applies to both public and private [school]  victims,” (D-Santa Ana). “This bill should be about protecting and bringing restitution to all victims, not just one set versus another.” If we have this bill open to everyone ,who has ever been in this type of situation. It will help a lot of people.
Save the children it will only make us better and the support of non-abuse that we want to have in our community.
Cited Sources:http://articles.latimes.com/keyword/child-abuse




Set Women To Be Equal With The Men


In today society, we fail to realize that women are not as equal as men. Why is that? We tried so many ways to have them equal, but still hasn’t happened. They also place them in a separate category for receiving awards, which means they are being treated different unlike being treated as one. So I want us to understand the concept of a male and female rights and how they should be changed.

Women’s rights are the rights and entitlements claimed for women and girls of many societies. They differ from broader notions of human rights through claims of an inherent historical and traditional bias against the exercise of rights by women and girls in favor of men and boys. We should acknowledge these rights, but men still don’t see it that way. They are still most popular with being the President of United States. We still have not one female President in the U.S. When we want that so they could say something profoundly good about our society and what we have done.

Also in this world men see women mostly on porn ads, billboards, beer commercials, and magazines, but never see us more of a leader or to be treated right in a respectful manner. Women still have that role of to watch the children, cook dinner, clean up the house, but never get time for themselves. Unlike men, can just relax after work and wait on the women to feed him the cook meal. Why do we still let them have that role if all they do is take advantage of it? We should make them share half of our duties so everybody can be treated fairly.


Women of the world have been so segregated from men that this is just an outrage.I feel that we should all have rights that set us equal. We should be able to participate in activities or awards shows with both men and women. For example, BET most women and men get an award either as a male artist or female artist why can’t they both receive the award? Instead of being in a different category because that mostly waste time. Also in sports, we have an all women basketball team and boys basketball team. When most females learn from men to play ball. Why can’t they play all together? It will be easier and it states that women can be as good as men.
If we make some changes. I feel that women and men of the world will be equal. We already have boys and females in the same school. In this one article it says “men must concentrate on using their dominant qualities for the good.” Yes, they should so women won’t feel the need of losing their qualities. So let men and women be equal! Let us all have equal roles.
Cited sources:http://www.meaningfullife.com/social/womenANDmen/Women_AND_Men_-_Different_but_EqualQUESTION.php

Our Grading System In public and home school

I want to deliberate the topic on our grading system and if its better at public or home school. What do you think of it? Is it good or bad?We have a grading system that most students despised. Some people are not so superb on how most teachers grade us now in days. They are more highly offended on when they see the report cards.

The government mostly see grading in education as the process of applying standardized measurements of varying levels of achievement in a course. Grades can be assigned in letters (for example, A, B, C, D, or F), as a range (for example 1 to 6), as a percentage of a total number correct, as a number out of a possible total (for example out of 20 or 100), or as descriptors (excellent, great, satisfactory, needs improvement). So when students see these grades some of them are mostly delighted or displeased with their grade depending on what was given.

We are mostly influenced by our grade point average. In some countries the GPA can be used by potential employers or educational institutions to assess and compare applicants.
I feel that these grades make us have a less positive affect on the children of America. We see our report cards and realize how good we thought we were doing, but it seem to the teacher that it wasn’t as good as they wanted it to be. So many students try and put they best work technique into everything, but still is never good enough. It’s as if we will never get the grade we really deserve because the grading scale they use for the students is just outrageous.
Most parents and tutors have been teaching children in the home for centuries, in the late 1960s and 1970s there emerged for the first time in the United States a political movement that adopted this practice as a radical, counter cultural critique of the public education system. By the early 1990s they had won the right to home school in every state. Some home-school advocacy groups have attempted to secure a federal law or Supreme Court ruling that would establish uniform national guidelines grounded in First or Fourteenth Amendment rights, but to date such efforts have failed (to the great relief of home-school advocacy groups that oppose this strategy). Most people were satisfied with this choice and thought it saved a lot of children.
They also used this grading system on their children,who feel at a public school is not at best, but home is the right choice. They mostly excel independently than being surrounded by students who can care less about their academic skills. Usually most of them finish all their credits then move off to college.
The best way of exceeding with our grading system is probably home schooling because most students achieve better in their education.ednext_20091_10_open
Cited Sources: